Take No Though For Yourself


First Bible Lesson: Luke 21:14-15

Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

Second Bible Lesson: Matthew 10:19-20

But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

Golden Text: John 5:30

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Brethren the texts read out to you summarize our lesson this morning. If you don't believe in this gospel it means you are not a man of God. You will now realize why we always say here in Brotherhood that the Father is the doer of the work. That assertion is very true. It is now clear that you are not the doer of the work, neither is the work done by me, but by the Father who lives in us. That is why it is of no use your intending to study theology or the art of giving visions. Our first lesson says: Settle it therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what ye shall answer... What do you think you can say? There is nothing you can do. There is nothing you can think. The one who speaks will speak at his own appointed time.

Be Faithful In God Who Dwells In You

Our Lord Jesus Christ did not boast in his relations. He did not boast in money. He did not boast in any of the material things you find in the world. His boast was in the Father. He did not hope in that thing which is seen by man with the carnal eyes; but He hoped in the spiritual things which the carnal eyes could not perceive, which was the Father. It is against this truth that He said; blessed is he who does not see but yet believes. (John 20:29)

You have heard what he said in our first and second lessons and the golden text respectively. And this would strengthen our faith and make us believe that God lives in us and with us. It is therefore not our own place to bother on going to see a certain person that he may speak a word or make a particular statement, or pray for us so that things may be well with us. All those who go about with such belief that they want to see a certain person, so that he may say one thing or the other, have no faith.

Our first lesson says: settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. It is your duty and mine to bear witness to what we have seen, what we know of and what we have been taught; and let us not say what we don't know. Let us not speak vain words. If you say that it is your father in Hades who has spoken it means you have erred. If you claim that your husband is the one who has spoken, you have also committed an error. Should you say that you are the one speaking, you have gone wrong. Our hope, or faith and our love is not in man but in the Holy Spirit.

Right from this moment, you should be hopeful and faithful in the Father. All your love should be in the Holy Spirit. All your love should be in the Holy Spirit whom you know is omnipresent, whom you know dwells in all things, whom you know is with you always. You shall have no problem.

There is no time that God did not exist.

That is why our Lord Jesus said: But when they shall deliver you up, take no thought of how or what ye shall speak; for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. Whoever does not lend ears to this gospel derives no benefit from coming here and such a person is good for nothing. And if you should profess to be initiated into a certain thing and maintain your membership of that thing without knowing why you are there, what good do you derive from being there? What are you going to preach? What are you going to ask? What do you bear testimony of? The Father loves us so much. He requires that we should show a thankful heart. Let us not remain idle. Let us not live a worthless life as done by those in the world. Let us reveal the glory of God publicly; as it is said: "what I have said to thee in the bedroom take it out and shout on the roof tops. What you have heard in the darkness declare it to people in the market square. (Matt 10:27).

Your duty, my work and the assignment of the entire world is to listen to the Spirit of the Father. While you are walking along the street, while in the aircraft, while you are sleeping, listen to Him because He lives in us at all times. If we should have this type of faith and hope in Him we shall no longer be fools. Why we speak at length and are not able to make one concrete statement nor do any good thing is because we are hopeless in Him but are hopeful in somebody. Whenever you have your hope in man the same man will direct you to make one type of statement or another or that the other person does not exist, and because of that your hope will be lost. Arising from this you cannot tell the truth nor do any good thing and you will fall short of the grace of God. Whether you are educated, whether you have the wisdom of this world, such do not matter here. You have been told, settle it therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what ye shall answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. It is your own Father who dwells in you who will speak for you. Our duty is to go and reveal him and be witnesses to his own glory. Wherever you are tell people these things. Do not speak with anger, do not speak as though you are joking, but be serious and speak with all amount of concentration, listen to Him because He will give you what to say. Since people lack the knowledge of truth they derail from the accurate wisdom of truth, and from the grace of God. Because of that people declare that the Holy Spirit is not in existence. If God does not exist any longer where has He gone to? Who is the person dwelling in you and who is passing through you to perform these works? People lack the knowledge of his existence. They don't listen to Him any longer. Arising from this, people do things the way they like. Having examined the texts read out to you, you will understand that there is no place that God does not exist. That is why the Bible tells you, if somebody says lo, he is here, or lo, he is there, do not go. (Matt 24:23).

It is good for somebody to listen to an instruction and practice same. Should we keep this injunction of God, should the inhabitants of the world keep the injunctions of God, there will be no problem. Right from the time God created man there has never been a time that God deserted man; and should God desert him, man will cease to exist. There has never been a time that man departed from God. He has said: I will never leave thee comfortless, I will come unto thee; I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. (John 14:18). Your, duty and mine, and that of the entire world is to surrender ourselves unto Him and listen to Him at all times. Let us not be false witnesses unto the truth. If you profess to be the one speaking then you are a false witness. If you say that you are living for yourself it means you are lying. Whether we live we live for Him, and should we perish we perish for Him. Let us not live as though we are bastards, or orphans, or nomads and wanderers because we are children with a Father, who cares for us. Wherever you go believe fervently that the Father is with you. Since when you knock your head you receive grace and when you kneel down you receive the peace of the Almighty God, wherever you go speak with boldness and fearlessly and walk majestically. But while speaking listen attentively to Him, and act according to His directive. We are sitting like logs of wood. We have the mouth but cannot speak. We have the heart but cannot think. But we are His abode, and He speaks and does all things through us. Trouble not your heart any longer of what you shall eat, or what you shall put on, or what you shall do or say, or where you shall live because your Father who knows all things has done these things already. Take no thought for yourself. (Matt 6:25) Do not lament any longer do not be sorrowful any more, do not cry and mourn any longer; do not declare that you have nobody behind you because you have somebody behind you. The problem you have is that you don't listen to Him, you don't believe in Him and you are not hopeful in Him. Brethren I don't intend to overload you. Let our first lesson be read.

First Bible Lesson: Luke 21:14-15

Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

God Gives The Mouth And Wisdom

Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

God Gives The Mouth And Wisdom

From what you have heard have you understood that there is another world which exists here which your eyes have not seen, your legs have not walked on it and your ears have not heard about it. Should you also not understand from the first lesson read to you that this world is owned by somebody, who takes care of it, who protects it and does everything which the carnal eyes have not seen and which the carnal ears have not heard? You who speak authoritatively and knock your chest, and you who continue to weep sorrowfully that you don't have people behind you, have you heard what is read to you? You who declare: I will revenge, I will revenge, I will repay you, I will kill you, I will pay you back with the same coin; and you who also declare: O! What type of world is this? I don't have people behind me. Have you heard what is read to you? Do you know that this world belongs to somebody? Amongst two of you who is a fool? The scripture says: "he is in this world but the world knows him not. (John 1:11). What do you think a man who breathes through the nostrils can do for you? Having known that our Father is a living God, why don't we surrender ourselves to him? He has said that, "except Jehovah builds the house the builder labors but in vain; and except the Lord watches over the city the watchman watches but in vain. (Psalm 127:1). Our problems stem from the fact that we don't believe in the word of God, we don't believe in God nor do we believe that there is a super-being who owns us and the fullness of the earth. How do you think God, having created man would desert man and ascend into heavens and allow him to settle here on earth? What do you think man can do and how will man derive his means of livelihood? Though we don't believe in Him; but He believes in us; that is why He says in our first lesson: settle it therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what ye shall answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. No matter how numerous the people are, the Father will give you a mouth and wisdom which the eyes could not see. But this does not come without faith; for if you are hopeful in any other person, or if your faith is in somebody else it means you lack faith in Him. If your hope and faith is that you should go and see a certain person and have discourse with him, it means you lack faith in God; and we are told that without faith we cannot do anything. When we are walking along the street, and turning to our left and right we find nobody there we usually become fearful, yet often do what we like or commit any kind of sin thinking that there is nobody there. But the children of God are aware of the fact that the Father is ever with them. They are not troubled, nor shaken in their faith but they believe that at all times wherever they are, immediately they knock their heads on the ground, whatever they request shall be done.

Because of the way our Lord Jesus Christ acted Philip said: Master, show us the Father and it sufficeth us. (John 14:8). When Job was tempted, and calamities, problems and plagues besieged his household he knelt down and gave thanks to the Father. (Job 1:21).

God Lives In Man

Remember that great and eventful day. He did nothing other than kneeling down and giving thanks to the Father. You can kneel down anywhere, be it in the inner chambers, or in your bedroom, in the forest, while inside a car, or whether you are in the aircraft you have the prerogative of kneeling and knocking your head and communicating with your Father, and He will answer you. How will you prove your worth as a good medical practitioner if you will always want; to remain indoors and give prescriptions for drugs to an unseen patient, and how would you be able to diagnose the type of disease your patient is suffering from in order to give the appropriate prescription? He is the owner of the house and He is the same person who knows the secret of His own kingdom. He knows what is in man's heart. He knows what is outside but we don't know. Until now nobody knows that wherever we are God sees us. Whatever we do is seen by Him. Day after day God is watching us. He knows all that we are doing. That is why Christ said: whoever loves God shall love his own brethren. And if somebody does not love his brethren whom he has seen how will he love God whom he cannot see? (1 John 4:20). Now we know that God loves us. And if you see somebody coming before you but you don't bow for him, how would you profess then to worship God whom you have not seen? God is in a newborn baby. He is in a baby who is two weeks old; and no matter the status of a human being God dwells in him. Hence if you do not bow for him, it means you don't worship God. But because you claim to worship God you have to bow down because you are not bowing to the baby per se but to the God in him. The word you have heard is not spoken by man, but is spoken by God; and if you don't believe in this word it means you don't believe in God. Our problem is that we always go with the belief that it is somebody speaking; and fail to realize that it is not man speaking but God. This is the time of His reign. The scripture says: In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God. (John 1:1). The word does all the things. And with the Word all things were created. Life came from the word. Light came from the Word. All things emanated from the Word and without the word nothing was created. The Word resides in you but you are searching all places trying to find a certain human being somewhere or where God makes his abode, but you are told that that Word, which is God, is with you. Why must you continue to look for God elsewhere?

We are commemorating the scholarship week which ends today, with a thanksgiving service. This scholarship scheme which sees about the educational well-being of the orphans and less privileged children in the society, has brought these good tidings to us today.

When you are sued to court you consult a lawyer to defend you. The lawyer will tell you what you will say in the court. Do you know what the counsel for the plaintiff will say? Whenever any little thing happens you are shaken in faith, and are troubled. But today you are told that when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak; for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak; for it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. He made this statement.

This is the new covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; and it shall not be like the one I had made with their forefathers, after those days. I will write my laws in their hearts; a neighbor shall not teach a neighbor, neither shall a brother teach a brother saying know ye the Lord, because from the least to the greatest, they shall know me; because I shall be merciful unto their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities shall I remember no more. (Heb 8:10-12).

This is not the time that somebody should be faithful or hopeful in a fellow man but this is the time that all our faith and hope should be in the Father. You have seen how a father deceives his own child and vice versa. You have also seen how a husband deceives the wife and vice versa. You have seen deceitful tendencies in our society. There is no truth anywhere in the world because people love money and the material things of this world. If you give somebody money he will direct you on what to say. If you give a certain thing to some other person he will tell you what to do. God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34/Rom 2:11). It is said that when the battle is tough the king goes to the battlefield. God has come this time around sending nobody. The ram, has an adage which goes thus: "I sent my genital organ to purchase me hernia", but it is good that one goes to the market by himself. Now the Father has come by Himself. Be not troubled at heart for nobody will give you a blow and you don't have to do same to any person. He rules over everything and knows what is good with us. He does this out of His love in order to reveal his glory through us. Let us also reveal His own glory.

God Comes By Himself And Does All Things

God knows that we can of our own do nothing. This explains why, after creating us He comes down to dwell with us. He takes care of us, He protects us. Whether you sleep or slumber, whether you believe in Him or not, whether you curse, abuse and blaspheme against Him, whether you are hopeful or faithful in Him, He is not interested. All He knows is to provide for our needs at all times. The works you find in the world are not wrought by man. Let us be hopeful in Him. Let us surrender ourselves to Him. Let us be boastful in Him. Let us declare His glory wherever we are, in the public, in the market square, amidst the multitude and wherever we find ourselves. We must bestow thanks to Him and reveal His own Glory.

The Scripture says: "Knock, ask, seek and you shall find. (Matt 7:7/Luke 11:9). That is why we have to pray. As soon as we knock our heads, and give thanks to Him, He will take up the work and accomplish it for us. When we are talking about prayer it doesn't mean making endless statement; but you should kneel down, knock your head, give thanks to the Father, and He will take up His duty and do it Himself. When you say woe unto you, or witches are worrying you! Do you think that type of statement comes from God? Satan is the one who makes such statements. When you request God to give you this or that, do you think God can request anything from Himself? You speak in this manner because you don't listen to Him. Should you listen to Him you will decry long prayers but only give thanks to Him at all times.

He is the "I am that I am", "he lived, is living and shall live

forever(Ex 3:14). There is money and wealth here. All things are here. What sort of prayer do you think we should offer? God knows what we lack. He knows what we have. He knows what is not good with us and what is good for us, and for that sake came He to live with us so that He may take care of all things, and give us what we need. When you say God kill that person, or kill that witch or wizard, do you think God can utter that type of statement? Brethren I don't intend to belabor you. Let our second lesson be read.

Second Bible Lesson: Matthew 10:19-20

But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall say for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak;For it is not ye that speak; but the spirit of the Father which speaketh in you.

The Father Can Make The Impossible Possible

Remember that spiritual chorus which says: glorify Him because he is the greatest amongst all other gods. Your duty and mine is to glorify Him because He is the greatest of all gods. We have another spiritual chorus which says: I have a Father, Almighty Father, He is the King of kings, Lord or lords. Since you know you have a Father, why don't you believe in him? Why have you no faithful in Him? Why do you tremble when anything happens? Having rendered that song, that you have a Father, why are you afraid?

You have heard the testimony of Crusaders who came from Rivers State about what happened to one of the stations of Cherubim and Seraphim Church. When the headquarters of Cherubim and Seraphim Church called on Brotherhood members to come and associate with them via a combined service, the other sixty five stations of the same church took a serious action against them and dissociated from their group. They declared that they had nothing to do with them any longer because members of that station have sold themselves to Brotherhood. Imagine a situation whereby 65 stations of a certain church turn against one station of that same church.

The leader of that station contacted Brotherhood members and told them that he had a land case pending in court for three years but won the case when Brotherhood members came and prayed for them during their combined service. The leader of that station opined that he was convinced that should members of Brotherhood pray again for them they will win the 65 stations to themselves. At the end members of Brotherhood went there on a combined service and prayed for them and they won over the 65 stations. Have you now realized what the Father can do? Which lawyer will do that type of work? Are you not worrying yourself? Don't you cry? Don't you lament? Don't you say woe to somebody? Have you not taken up a matchet? Don't you pick up a gun? Don't you consult a juju doctor? You are told not to weep,not to lament, not to be angry, not to beg; not to curse or abuse any person, not to bear malice or do a thing. You are expected to kneel down and give thanks to the Father.

The Father has indeed passed through marvelously. That statement: The Father has passed through is very significant . From this moment note that this gospel is for you, for myself, for a baby in the womb, for the one which shall be born in a thousand or twenty thousand years to come; those who had passed, and for all creations of God. Let us not be worried about our lives because we have a Father who will do everything for you better than you think.

God Is Not A Destroyer

I want to show you the degree of God's love and mercy, when Cain killed his brother (Abel) what did God say? (Gen 4:15). He directed that nobody should kill Cain but a mark should be made on his forehead. What happens in your own case? It is retaliation at all times. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth. If somebody commits any error it will be agreed that he be paid back with the same coin at the same spot. As the heavens are higher than the earth so also is the wisdom of God more important than that of man. (Isaiah 55:9). You profess to be knowledgeable but you lack even an iota of wisdom. Do you think there is any wisdom in somebody cursing or abusing his father or mother? Beating up his father or another person; stealing somebody's property or committing murder? I want you to tell me the wisdom that lies in doing these things.

God told Adam and Eve: eat of all the fruits in the Garden except the one at the center of the garden, for it is the tree of good and evil. (Gen 2:17). But they disobeyed God, and ate of the forbidden fruit. What good did they derive after eating the forbidden fruit? The injunction that we receive now is the same which was given to Adam and Eve by God that they should not receive any kind of teaching from anybody, for God shall teach them all things. It is disobedience and a hardened heart which have brought punishment unto man. What happens now is if your mother refuses to give you something you will pray that God should kill her. If your father does any good thing to your brothers without doing same to you, you call on God to eliminate him. If God should kill indiscriminately as you wish who will remain in the world today? God is not happy over the demise of sinners but He wishes that they should repent. But we don't love that sinners should live. We wish that fire should consume them all. Is our thought and that of God the same? God is not slack in making fulfilled His promise but He is long suffering because He doesn't wish that we should perish but that we should repent. But you are saying that if you were God you would have killed all the armed robbers, fornicators, murders, blasphemers and all kinds of evildoers. After killing all the sinners, would you live? Are you not also a sinner? Where will you live? Because you being a sinner, will be killed too.

Do you remember when our Lord Jesus Christ told his disciple the parable of the sower who sowed good seeds but in the night his enemy sowed bad seeds alongside the good ones. (Matt 13:25). But at dawn it was discovered that wheats and tares were growing together. When the disciples of the sower asked, master did you not sow good seeds? What about the bad ones? He told them that was the handiwork of his enemy. And they asked him: Do you wish that we should remove the tares from the wheats? He forbade them, and asked them not to do it. But he said; "let the wheats and the tares grow together until harvest comes that you may not mistakenly up-root the wheats with the tares." He said: "at the time of harvest I will send my angels and all the tares will be gathered together and put into fire while the wheats will be gathered into the barn." Because of our faithlessness in God we behave in an unseemly manner before God.

All the evils you find in the world are committed by man and not God. All the evil words are spoken by man and not by God. All the abominable lives we live are not propelled by God. If we were to know that we have a Father, and surrender ourselves to him, we would have no problem and there would be no problem in the world. Don't you remember when Christ told His disciples: how difficult it is for whoever believes in his wealth to enter into the Kingdom of God? And the disciples said: If things are like this who then shall be saved? He lifted up his eyes unto them and said, "with men this is impossible but God can do all things." (Matt. 19:23-26).

That person for whom you have sharpened your matchet in readiness to go and kill, or the person you have sued to court, or some other person you want to harm because you feel he is a sinner, understand that God can change him within a twinkle of an eye and make him become what He wants. Let us surrender everything unto Him because His words are true since He is the Truth. The teaching which Christ imparted to the people of old, is: "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). If the people of the world were to practice it, they would not have problems; and if the Israelites had practiced this gospel they would not have failed to rule over the world. If you do anything outside His teaching, that is erroneous. But if you practice what He says, the same is life and truth.

All counterfeit currencies found in the world are what we mint. The legal tender (original currency) is being minted by the government. Is it ourselves who want to be rich overnight, who don't want anything from the government and would not submit to the government who are causing confusion in the world? God says: whoever walks into the path of iniquity I will allow. Realize that nobody can do anything by himself. Listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ says. Let our golden text be read.

Golden Text: John 5:30

I can of mine own self do nothing; as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Without The Father We Can Do Nothing Of Our Own

I can of mine own self do nothing; as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Without The Father We Can Do Nothing Of Our Own

Brethren have you heard that? That statement is made by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. But what do you say? Have you not sworn upon this earth or heaven? Don't you swear that if I don't pay him back let him believe that I don't come from C.R. State, or Akwa Ibom State? Have you not beaten your chest that you will teach somebody a lesson? But Christ says: "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge, because I seek not after my own will, but the will of him that sent me." Nobody can do anything good by himself. Do not mind how painful or provoking a particular situation is. Don't mind how heavy laden you are because there is nothing you can do by yourself if God doesn't do it. No matter the pains you are suffering, if you shout on top of your voice; will the pain cease? If you abuse and curse people, will the pain cease? If you pick up a machete, and as you meet somebody you tell him that you don't have money, you meet another person and ask him to give you money; you go to steal and kill people in an attempt to get money, will you get the money after doing that? If you have this wisdom that we are empty, you will understand that there is no person, or government, or missionary, or royal highness, or company, or factory which will plead for us because nobody can do anything.

It is asked: who can speak and cause the black hair to become white or the white to become black? You request for nearly everything; and ever since you started requesting, how many things have you received? Our Lord Jesus Christ has said: all things planted which were not planted by my Father who is in heaven shall be rooted up. (Matt. 15:13). That is why I hereby confirm that statement that I cannot do anything. I have neither power nor wisdom, nor love. I don't even exist. All these words are not said by me but the Father is the one speaking.

Ab initio the flesh has never done any good thing and it shall not accomplish anything good. All that the flesh does is to destroy. But God has not committed any sin, he has come to bless.

Having known that we cannot do any good thing let us not prejudge but let us follow accordingly the promptings of the Father and listen to what he tells us. Wherever he tells us to sit, let us remain there because He is aware of all the things that come to us before we step there. He has never forsaken us. Recall when Pilate asked our Lord Jesus Christ, don't you answer me? Know you not that I have the power to set thee free and to crucify thee on the cross? What was his reply? Christ answered and said: you would have no power to do me anything except the power be given to you from above by my Father, but the sin of the one that has delivered me into your hands is great. (John 19:11).

Sometimes you maintain that God has given power to Satan; and I ask, if God has given an iota of power to Satan do you think anybody will remain in this world? He is not the God of destruction and does not rejoice over the demise of sinners. He does not desire that we suffer or die, but faithlessness and unbelief has caused us to suffer. We don't believe in Him, we don't regard Him as our Father, but we call Him with our lips. If we were to recognize Him as our Father we would not seek to do anything by ourselves.

You are working as a civil servant but at the time that you should retire from service you collect a bribe of five shillings from somebody. As a result of this act you are dismissed. Has God told you to receive bribe? You are somebody's wife. Your husband loves you and you love him too. But you go and be intimate sexually with your houseboy thereby disgracing your husband and yourself. Has God told you to do such a thing? Let us listen to Him because the Spirit of our Father will make all good things good for us. If you have children who are not obedient to God don't be angry with them, don't curse them, don't drive them away from home, don't beat them up but leave it to the Father for He will change them within a twinkle of an eye.

God Has Disarmed The Super-Powers

I know for sure that for a great many of us here, those we love dearly, are not yet baptized into Brotherhood and they denegrade Brotherhood. Because of such development you are troubled at heart and you stop going to that person's house; and sometimes you don't even know what to do. Know what you have to do and do same. Don't worry because at God's own appointed time He will call them to Himself, and not in a hostile manner as you are doing. Remember the case of the prodigal son when he told his father to give him his own share of the inheritance, and his father complied. He left for another city. When he was amidst affluence he did not remember his father. After he had squandered all the wealth, he indulged in preparation of concoction and diabology, he served as a servant in order to earn a living, he did everything to rehabilitate himself but all he did was in vain. (Luke 15:11-32).

At the end when his eyes were opened, was he told by somebody to return to his father? When his eyes were opened he said to himself: what am I waiting here for? Behold my father has male servants, oxen, cattle and riches, why should I remain here? I will arise and go back to my father; and I will say unto him, father, I have sinned, and I have offended heaven and earth and I am no more worthy to be called thy son but accept me as one of thy male-servants. This parable refers to those who seek for their own glory; and when their glory desserts them their eyes will be opened, and they will look for God. Don't be angry with your child, or wife, or anybody concerning anything; but leave everything unto the Father because all things are possible before him and he has accomplished all things.

If you were told that Nigeria, Africa, communist countries like Russian and others will attain the status they are today you would hardly believe. The Britons, Americans, Russians, and French have dangerous nuclear weapons which were intended to cause a nuclear holocaust in the world. And should any of these weapons be disposed of here, millions of souls and properties would be destroyed.

But today there has been embarkations on nuclear disarmament all over this world. Who would have caused these powerful nations to withdraw their interest in nuclear weapon production and disarmament of the existing ones? It would be that if you shoot they would also shoot and that will worsen matters. Who has caused these super-powers to succumb? Now all those missiles are useless. Are those things not condemned? You are made to understand that that which you say is difficult, is very possible before God, and can be accomplished within two seconds. Bother not yourself because we cannot do anything by ourselves. But let us listen to Him because He is capable of doing all things.

He has told us to love every person. He has told us not to be overcome by evil. He has told us to love every person, that we should go from house to house, and minister prayers, give food and clothes to people. Don't discredit any church. Don't say that any church is good, or that one is witch or wizard, or apparition or Satan. He has taught us to love every person and go from house to house and bless them.

One stroke of the cane is sufficient to teach the wise. We don't intend to take you any further. He who has ears let him hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. Thank You Father.

REFERENCEEverlasting Gospel Delivered by The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu on:- "TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR YOURSELF"

From: THE WORD OF GOD IS SPIRIT. Pages: 1-16.

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