The Mystery of Death


First Bible Lesson: John 16:7

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Second Bible Lesson: John 12:24

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

Golden Text: John 14:18

I will not leave you comfortless: I am coming unto you.

Brethren, I have tried to restrain myself from giving you this revelation. I had intended to give you rather superficial revelations. I cannot say why the Spirit persists that I should give this revelation, because it is not only a real mystery but also a deep and recondite wisdom of God. I believe that if there is anything that people would like to petition about and spend their money in order to destroy, it is death.

A great many people have asked why God had established the invisible institution of death, and feel that it should be abolished completely. This question has disturbed many minds as the people complain that death had wrought trouble upon the surface of the earth, that it is the greatest evil and so they conclude that it is a very bad thing.

People have joined so many secret societies with the hope that death should be abolished. Nonetheless, death has continued in its work. Different types of prayers have been offered and various actions have been taken to abolish death and nip it in the bud, but death has actively continued to agitate their minds, because the moment you think about the institution of death, you become flabbergasted for fear of it.

The Deep Sleep

The wisdom of God passes all understanding. Man is always confounded by the wisdom of God. I had earlier revealed to you about the first Adam who died and rose up again. You have been told that God caused Him to fall into a deep sleep. (Gen 2:21). That deep sleep symbolizes death. And He had died before He resurrected. This is so because except you plant the seed of corn and yam tuber into the ground and they die, no new corn or tuber will be duly reproduced.

To Die Is To Regenerate

If a person is not dead, how can somebody be born into the world? You have lived in the world for a long time and one of your hands or legs has become paralyzed. All your teeth have fallen out. You will not be born again since you are still in the flesh. Why is it that you are ignorant about this issue? Know then that when somebody dies, in his rebirth, he will not come back alone. As you plant a yam tuber, (and until it dies it will remain alone) but when it dies it produces as many as five new tubers. The same thing happens when a man dies. You and God, who should be considered a foolish person?

Go Ye And Multiply (Gen 1:28)

When you are on earth in the flesh you answer to only one name, Okon. But when you die and resurrect again you will not come back as Okon alone but as a Asuquo, Etim, Kanu, Ikwo, Matthew, Kayode, Peter and Sani, as many as possible. Reason with me, God created only one man, that one man doubled into two and from these two persons, the world has now witnessed an explosive population.

Since the creation of Adam and Eve, have you heard that God has created another person? As you plant one yam tuber in the ground watch it carefully, if it does not die completely, but still lives, it cannot germinate and cannot bring forth any shoots. But when it dies completely, and farmers take the dead tuber away, then it will reproduce itself into three or four big yam tubers. So it is with man. It is only after the death of one man that many others can follow. Believe completely that if a man does not die, no person would be born again into the world. As long as you live here in the flesh, you only remain alone but when you die, you resurrect, in multiples.

You will also remember that when our Lord Jesus Christ was here in His last advent when He was at Jericho, He was seen by the people there. When He went to Jerusalem, He was seen there. He was always seen as a single individual because He came in the flesh. But when He died, the condition changed. Before He died, He had said, it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you. When He died and resurrected, He appeared in multi-forms. He appeared everywhere at the same time and many people attested to the fact that He was seen in several places at the same time.

You Cannot Be Reborn Unless You Die

We should have the wisdom that His absence means He has come as multiple identical individuals. There is therefore, the multiplication of "Jesus" ever since His resurrection. You should no longer pray that until He comes back again, it is not meant that you should maintain the stand that He abides alone. The only condition He gave was that if He did not go away the Comforter would not come, and if He did not die, He would not be reborn unto them. Tell me the truth, if He did not die, do you think He would have resurrected? What crime did the Jews commit against Him? What sins did Judas Iscariot commit? What sin has God Himself committed in the matter relating to His death? Should it not be expedient for us to be joyful? Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had said to His disciples, If you loved me you would rejoice because I said I go unto the Father, for the Father is greater than I. (John 14:28). No person seems to understand this statement. We should be happy because if you do not depart you will not return. Sometimes you are poor, sometimes your hairs have turned gray, and one of your legs amputated, and if you do not depart with deformities, you cannot come back as a very healthy man with all the parts complete; as a handsome man or beautiful lady.

You Cannot Enjoy The Kingdom While You Are Still In The Flesh

Most of you now lament, regret and complain that if you were still young, or if you had the time to continue to serve God, or if time were to be extended further for you to become a student, you would not have married. And I ask you: if you do not die how can these wishes materialize? A great many of us have lost our teeth, and we are blind. Others are variously incapacitated with disabilities. But if you are not born again how will you have a chance to enjoy this Kingdom of God? Some of you argue that if your fathers or grandfathers were still alive till today, they would have seen God face to face. Who tells you that they are not living?

It was because of this glory that they died; that they may enjoy the Kingdom. If you watch carefully, you will soon discover that most of us are now very old and incapacitated. You are unable to run more nimbly with some prowess, as you used to do. We have gradually become lean and emaciated. Blood, water and other bodily ingredients have become completely exhausted. With such a condition, how can you jump, dance, bend, kneel, bow, prostate and rise up and take part in all the physical movements which we are always engaged in here? Have you the ability to participate in the activities?

You Must Be Born Again!

Some of us here, when we were young, used to sing melodiously as a nightingale, but today we only crow. So Brethren, observe how God is good. If you do not die you do not resurrect and live an entirely new life. As you wish that you were an infant, you cannot fulfill your wish unless this body dies, yielding the place to a new body in multiple forms. With such a multiplicity, you will enjoy the Kingdom, you will not only feel light but will also see clearly and feel satisfied with yourself, and your request for eternal life will promptly be granted.

The Day You Die Is The Day You Are Reborn

But I tell you that you do not go anywhere. Examine the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I will not leave you comfortless, I come back to you. The emphasis is not in the future but at the present because to die is to be reborn. The day you die is the day you are born. Have you never heard of people attest that they had seen one who was dead, here and there and yonder? I tell you, most of the people you argue with were dead, some of them are in Lagos, some in Port Harcourt, some in India and others in Russia physically, and they travel to several places, buying and selling and cultivating the land. You know that most of them also are engaged in their business. Are you not aware of this? But you rather say when a man is dead, he is dead and that when a man dies, he will go into hades. Where is the hades? Where is the apparition; where is the grave itself?

Even the person you presume dead is with you physically, because immediately he dies, he also resurrects and accompanies you to the cemetery, and does whatever you do. This does not happen in a dream because immediately a person dies, he rises up again. He walks with his native attire - loin cloth and shirt and walking stick - or with European suit, going about his own business physically.

An Incapacitated Person Can Never Be Born Again Unless He Dies

It is rather an ill luck for a person to die and resurrect physically again. It means he is still in the flesh. The same parts of the body are still found with him. His legs are still with him, though he cannot walk. His teeth are still intact though he cannot bite. His ears are also there, though he cannot hear again. It is even hard with him because he comes back in the flesh. It may happen that he is driven back and he returns in the flesh, this is ill-luck. I usually overhear some people expressing joy that God has preserved their lives, because some others cannot get up because of illness and that they are not like those who die. But I tell you, those who die are better off than you, because they are regenerated. All their sicknesses, their poverty and wretchedness, tribulations and afflictions and problems are all taken away and solved.

They thus become new creatures in multiples though in identical forms. But you are still living in the flesh with all your sicknesses, problems, difficulties and other encumbrances. Can you not realize that the dead person is better off than you?

Whosoever Is In Flesh Remains Alone

Upon all the projections into various planes of creation, undertaken by people, one thing is sure and that is: except you die you cannot be born again. For as long as you are in the flesh, you are still human and cannot resurrect. As long as you are in the flesh you abide alone and you cannot do anything. But when you die you resurrect immediately. As soon as somebody is dead, he is reborn. Do not weep and wail because he is around, still conducting his business without hindrance. He is more handsome and wiser than yourself.

Children Of The Resurrection Do Not Die

Do you know that there are many persons who live in the world and you cannot recognize or identify them? But I will not want to reveal that secret to you. There are a great many people here who will never die because they have already resurrected, being the children of the resurrection. But they are moving about, living in houses, working in the office, some are independent people, they are numerous in the world and you always regard them as ordinary human beings. As of now, Our Lord Jesus Christ is in your home; He is inside your body; He is inside water physically, Spiritually, and otherwise. If He had not died, how would it have been possible for Him to resurrect? The second lesson has told you that except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. Is that statement not an eye and an ear opener to you?

In The Flesh You Are A Servant To Sin

When you pray to God to take away evil and to ward off from you anything evil, how will He do it when you have injected drugs and black powder into your body, when you have drunk certain concoctions and you have so defiled your body that your body is useless?

If you are not dead, how will you be regenerated, how will you have a new life and receive the desires of your heart, as you have absolutely defiled and adulterated your present body? Paul says, In the flesh I am a servant to sin and in my spirit I am a servant to the "Christ, for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do; now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it, but the sin that dwells in my flesh. (Rom 7:19-20).

Do you not know that this mortal body is filled with sin, the body is, therefore, corrupt? If you are not dead, you cannot be born anew, and if you are not regenerated, you cannot achieve the target of your heart's desires. You have eyes but cannot perceive, you have ears but cannot hear, and you cannot conceive with your heart.


You always plead that God should destroy death. But year in, year out, you are still planting yams, maize and so forth. Why do you continue to plant these crops? Why do you not keep them aside in the house, and see if you would have yams and maize next year? I am compelled to believe that when the Church was not established and the words of God preached and the Europeans did not come to evangelize you, your grandfathers had better understanding of this mystery than we have today; because all of us here in the family would say you were one thing or the other in your previous generation. You are quite aware of this. If you had not died, how would you have been regenerated into a new life?

You can also remember the article published in one of the daily newspapers in this country, of a child who died and came back to life after some years and told a certain man that she was his daughter. The man said she was not his daughter. To convince them, she told the father: Let us go to see the grave in which I was buried.

If she did not die, would it have been possible for her to be born again? This event took place a few years ago. And if she did not die, how would she have returned to the world again? She showed her grave to her father and others. But till today, you still argue that people who die are still in the hades. Where is the hades? Go there and see.

Rebirth Results From Death

The commission by God for man to go and multiply and replenish the earth (Gen 1:28), means that to be born is death and to die is to be born. When you die, you are regenerated and when you are born, you are dead. This is just the way the population of the world has increased by geometrical progression. It is the single and best method of man multiplying until God achieves His target.

No matter how much you pray that God should take away death, it is a waste of mental exercise because you have defiled yourself completely with fornication, snuff and cigarette. When you take drugs and concoctions and inject black powder into your body, how will God do His work? You have to die before a new life in multiples come. No person, except the Father, is responsible for this. Therefore, whoever is born is indebted to death, and whoever is indebted to death is indebted to newbirth.

Regeneration After Death

Do not plead that you should not reincarnate again because it is now too late. When you die, you reincarnate, not as an individual, but as many persons.

It is equally too late for you to pray to God not to die. If you are not dead, how will you be regenerated? If you are not born how would you die? This is the strategy adopted by God to cause the multiplication of people in the world. This process of life is the work of God.

No matter how you pray, light the candle and burn incense and call in the name of Jesus or Jehovah, you will not succeed in destroying death now. You should not continue to bother yourself about this concept of death. Only let the will of God be done.

Death Is Not The End

Examine these two statements made by people "until the end of the world, world without end. When a man is dead, people usually think that he should be given the last honour. You are aware that he has reincarnated like a baby, an adult or an old man with his different dress, this means then that there is no end of the world. There is none because the world has no end. World without end.

It is foolishness to feel that you are going to give the dead man the last honour, because if he had lived he would have enjoyed the fruits of his labour. His death means that He is being regenerated, and has the time to enjoy His children. I am merely illustrating this lesson with the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, because what happens now is exactly what happened to Him. He was the first fruit of the Father and it was written about you. Since He is the Captain, commanding the Army, He is always used as an example to the whole world, for whatever happens.

God Is Responsible For Any Increase In Population

When the Israelites were delivered from the land of bondage, the male adults were 600,000. But do not forget that in any population the women and children always outnumber the men. Among those who left Egypt only two reached Canaan. The question is when the people had successfully settled at Canaan, was the population not greater than when they left Egypt?

Have you not heard that because of the sin of fornication 23,000 persons died in a day in the wilderness? For tempting God, many thousands also died, and for murmuring against God, many thousands also died. (1 Cor 10:8-10). Where did they die? Yet they were heading to the promised land. Would you argue that there was no land? In spite of the fact that so many thousands died in the desert, yet Canaan was densely populated. For one person to die, thousands of persons will be regenerated. Why then should you argue that a certain thing or event is bad. What is evil in it? Instead, you be grateful to God for making resurrection possible with mankind.

When A Man Overstays In The World He Is A Burden To Others

We have a reason to be joyful because the wisdom of God passes all understanding. A man lives to his old age, though there is nothing wrong with him, he cannot see, he has lost his sight, he has lost his teeth, he cannot speak, or think or walk about because as you came into the world so will you return. If you do not go, what are you doing on earth? When you have old parents at home what can they do again? You have to do everything for them. You fetch water and firewood for them. They remain where they are and pass feces and urine. If you have to shoulder such responsibilities what is the use of continuing to live?

And so Brethren, I do not wish to overload you, our first lesson will now be read. Listen attentively because this year is a wonderful year in which the wax will be removed from your ears, and the planks from your eyes, and you will see your way through. The words of today will dwell richly in your hearts.

First Bible Lesson: John 16:7

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

The Departure Of Christ Led To The Release Of The Comforter

You are all aware that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke in parables for without parables would He not speak. (Matt 13:34). What is read to you is a parable and I am revealing this parable to you, today. Have you not heard what He says: "If I go not away," that is to say, if I do not die, I will not be regenerated and will not come back, but if I die I will come back, regenerated.

Because He realized that the field was indeed all ripe but the reapers were not there that was why He said it was expedient He went away that He may come back to you quickly and appear to you in abundance. Now neither does He travel by canoe, nor does He travel by car, nor hire an engine-boat to travel, but He is found everywhere; and before He sends you to a place, He is already there, because He appears everywhere.

Our Lord Went Into The Hades To Take Dominion Over It

Our Lord Jesus Christ dwells inside you. In your dream and in visions you see Him. He is speaking to you in the Spirit. He is in front of you. He is sleeping with you and simultaneously, He is with your brother and other brethren wherever they are.

Do not be deceived again that you should wait until our Lord Jesus Christ comes back. Have you not seen Him now? He dropped dead and almost immediately He resurrected with a spirit. He is in front of you. He is sleeping with you and new life in multiples. This resurrection is also meant for me and you and every person without exemption. Our Lord Jesus Christ went down in the hades during which period He obtained the keys of hades and death. Chained death itself, broke the spear of death of death and destroyed hades itself. Thus reigning supreme without any barrier.

Stop Death, And Stop Growth Of Population

In the civilized countries, even in the less-civilized ones, laws have been promulgated to legalize abortion, to forestall what they call population explosion which, if left unchecked, would lead to a global shortage of food. In spite of the legislation of abortion in many countries the world's population is not checked. For as long as people die, people will continue to be born. Unless it is possible to stop death, otherwise, there will still be births.

This law was to be promulgated in Nigeria. It would have not served any useful purpose. If you want to stop the growth of population, you have first of all to stop death. Because if people do not die, no person would be born, even if you marry a hundred women, they would remain as males.

Tell me why people should not die. Somebody has completed his assignment on earth; he is so old that he cannot see again, it would be time for him to take his next assignment after rendering an account of his earlier stewardship. He cannot see or walk or do anything for himself and you still plead that he should continue to live. Why should he tarry any longer? Since he completed his first assignment, he should take up the second.

Some people have children at their old age. By the time you have children, you are already too old. How can you enjoy them? You therefore, have to go so that you come back to enjoy them. Sometimes, you have been very kind and benevolent to a great many people and you are not doing well, supposing you are old and cannot enjoy the fruits of your labour at a time the people should compensate you, you will not enjoy whatever they give you because all parts of your body would be aching. In order to enjoy these things, you have to depart so that you can come back. Why do you argue that it is not good?

What You Sow The Same Will You Reap! (Gal 6:7)

Your main problem is that you are still ignorant of the fact that to die is to be regenerated. Such ignorance induces you to steal and be indebted to others. When you come back, you will defray all your indebtedness before you can settle down to enjoy yourself.

Some people immediately they are born, start on their right foot. Things become very good with them; everything runs smoothly with them. It is as a result of what they did in their previous births that they begin to reap the fruits.

Another person begins suffering as soon as he touches the ground. He cultivates the land but finds it difficult to make out a living. It is also the result of what he had during his last birth that he is repeating. If you are indebted, your bank account will be depleted until you have defrayed your indebtedness. So long as you do not defray your debt, you will continue to repay it anytime you come back to the earth plain. This type of occasion has occurred all too often.

Who Believes In Resurrection?

Our Lord Jesus Christ has advised that when you make a feast, you should invite the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind, in order that you would be blessed, for they cannot compensate you. You would be compensated at the resurrection of the just.

About 99 percent of the population of the world does not believe in the resurrection. If you were to hope on resurrection then you would not have pitied yourself about death because death does not exist. But do what is good knowing that whatever you do, you are sowing for yourself.

The disciples struggled among themselves who would be the greatest amongst them. But since our Lord Jesus Christ took His physical existence from this earth plain, which of them stepped into His shoes? No person took over from Him. Each person is occupying his own position. There is the division of labour and no person encroaches on the position of others. The Golden Text should now be read.

Golden Text: John 14:18

I will not leave you comfortless; I am coming unto you.

What is read to you is quite plain. But our Lord Jesus Christ was speaking in the present continuous tense. I am coming back to you. He did not say that He will come back to you. It is therefore, erroneous for you to pray that our Lord Jesus Christ should come back again. To where did He go? He says, I am coming back. He has not indicated His return in the future.

A Challenge To The World That Christ Has Not Gone Anywhere Since His Resurrection:

Read the three texts to the ignorant and the fools. Show them to all the inhabitants of the world because I declare this from high heavens. When they hold the belief that He will come back again, I challenge them.

He says it was expedient that He went away, because if He did not go away, the Comforter would not come to you; but if He went away, He would send the Comforter unto you. He says again: except a grain of corn falls on the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies it brings forth much fruit. He says finally in the golden text: I will not leave you comfortless, I am coming unto you. This means that our Lord Jesus Christ has not left us to even one inch. He has been with mankind since His resurrection and the Father is doing His work. However, a great many people still feel that He is in the sky, while others say until He comes back again. And I ask you where has He ever been to?

Apart From Our Lord Jesus Christ, No Person Grants Your Request

Has He not advised that whatever we ask the Father through His Name, He will surely do it for us. Has He ever advised you to ask through any other name or through any other thing? But He says, if you shall ask anything in My Name, I will do it. (John 14:13). Can such a statement be made by a dead person or somebody who travels to a distant place? Ask your carnal father for anything whether he will do it for you. Ask the government for anything you like, whether it will be done for you. But ask Him, He is a living person, and He will grant your request.

You do not read your Bible, and if even you read, you do not understand it. Our Lord Jesus Christ does not die forever. Do you also know that His ascension means descent? The day He ascended into heaven was the day He came down to the earth. Similarly, when He descended to the earth in His carnal manifestation, He ascended into heaven.

The story of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a simple one. The time of his birth was the time of his death and the time of His death was the time He regenerated, full of power, endowed with wisdom and powers, having power to rule the world.

By The Obedience Of One Shall Many Be Made Righteous. (Rom 5:19)

Can you notice the folly of man? Caiaphas had told the people that they knew nothing at all or would they consider that it was expedient for us, that one man should die for the people than the whole world to perish. (John 11:49-54).

Our Lord Jesus Christ was of the opinion that it was expedient that He should die because that meant coming up again. Brethren, examine critically which of the actions taken against our Lord Jesus Christ was evil. That of Caiaphas or that of those who arrested Him and His death. Because if these things did not take place, Our Lord Jesus Christ could not have come into the world.

Regeneration: To Save It Means Liberty

When you are in the flesh you are in a confinement, like somebody's movement being restricted by the four walls of a prison cell. There are certain places you cannot go or reach. But when you resurrect and become regenerated, you travel to any place at all without a passport and visa.

You can enter the flesh as well as the Spirit; enter water and the fire also. It is quite easy to enter everywhere. Can you not realize that He is the doer of the work at this end of time in the world? When I tell you that I am not the doer but He, you always laugh.

Do not gaze at the sun nor on the moon; do not go to India or Britain. If somebody tells you that He is in the moon, do not go because He has come back, since then; and He has been here doing His work every time, everywhere. He is never sick, does not experience pains, has no problems.

Christ Is Omnipresent

Even the three days He was supposed to have been in the grave, He did not rest. He spent the three days destroying death and pains of death, collecting the keys of hades and of death and taking complete dominion over hades as the King of heaven. He also released all the members bound.

Do you say again that our Lord Jesus Christ is in the sky, because He is always in the sky. He is in the sun, the moon, in the forest, inside water. He is in your heart; He is in your house walking majestically and boldly. Call every time without getting tired. He is human, He is the Spirit, He is fire and air and water, He is all and in all.

Flesh And Blood Cannot Serve God. (1 Cor 15:50/ Matt 16:17)

Do not be proud that you are doing the work. It is our Lord Jesus Christ who does the work. Do not be conceited that somebody is capable of doing everything. No flesh and blood can do the work apart from our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why you are advised to mortify the flesh and live by the spirit. If you mortify the flesh, you will be one Spirit with Him. Though we have known our Lord Jesus Christ after the flesh, yet now and henceforth we know Him no more like that. (2 Cor 5:16)

You only need to refrain from drinking, fornication, adultery, falsehood, theft and the rest of the vices and surrender yourself to Him, see Him, serve Him and dwell with Him and He will gain dominion over all and He will be seen lavishly everywhere.

Brotherhood Is The Kingdom Of God!

Do you not remember that people in the world address you as witches and wizards? This is based on the little faith you have, because you are being seen physically everywhere. Two or three persons confess they see you at the same time, in their houses, at the hospital, you converse with them, whether they close their eyes or not and so they conclude that yours is not a church but one of the most powerful witchcraft cults. They see you both physically and spiritually; you are being seen in the moon and in the stars, in water and everywhere. That is why no matter what explanations you put forward, they do not seem convinced that yours is not a secret society but insist that you belong to a very powerful cult.

You Work Harder After Regeneration!

Many of you argue that you have gone overseas. I tell you, you have been travelling down there; you are entering inside water and loosening those that are bound in chains, you are climbing to great heights and loosening the ropes. You are entering everywhere and releasing all those who are chained; and liberating all those in bondage. You go to the hospitals and liberate those affected by the machinations of the evil ones. That is why they conclude that your witchcraft is the most powerful in the world.

Those who are Christ's have crucified their flesh with the affections and lusts, and are now living in the spirit. (Gal 5:24). This is a spiritual warfare. You need no candle or incense or perfume or any other thing. But wherever you go to, people are always petrified with such fear and astonishment that they openly say that the wizards and witches have arrived again. The spirits will reveal to the people what you are; and the elemental spirits of the universe will bow down to you.

Mortify The Flesh With Its Lusts And Affections! (Rom 8:13).

Have you not been confronted with the question, to what society do you belong? As small as you are, if you are seen in the spirit, people would be bamboozled. One person alone to enter Calabar would ward off all evils and render all charms useless. That is why it sounds unbelievable to them that you should be a man of God. The world does not believe but insist that you are a witch or a wizard. For the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contradictory to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you should. (Rom 8:5-8). If, therefore, you mortify the flesh, you will live in the spirit.

The doctrines delivered to you, have never existed anywhere else in the world. This marks the end of the period when ever-lasting gospels are given to you.

Brethren, I do not intend to be tedious unto you, one stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Those who have ears, let them hear. May God bless His Words. Amen.

REFERENCE: Everlasting Gospel By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, The Sole Spiritual Head Of The Universe, on:-"THE MYSTERY OF DEATH"

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